Thursday, February 28, 2008

Bud #11: Tagging and

I'm all set up with a account.
(I'm beginning to lose track of all my accounts,
so I wondered if there was a site that could
help. Check out if interested.)


  • While it was a little creepy to look at other people's
    personal bookmarks, I can see the advantages. Same
    with the group that created their own list of sites.
  • I like how this also ties into the RSS feeds. Now
    we're saving time!
  • Glad to have one location to host my sites, especially
    when I work from many locations and computers.


  • What's with the ee cummingish spelling? Is this
    another new thing we'll be seeing more of? If so, I vote to
    STOP it right now!
  • My list looks long and unorganized. I so want
    to file it!
  • I find the pastel colors difficult to read and couldn't
    find anywhere to change them.

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