Thursday, February 28, 2008

Bud #19: Podcasts

I listened to a few podcasts staring at a white screen on
my computer; reminded me of old time radio. Found an interview
from the director of my old library on Minitex site; wished there
was a clock so I could see my listening point. (I'm running short
of time to finish the 23 things and can only dedicate so much.)
I listened for awhile to an extremely monotone speaker I selected
under "humor" from one of the directory sites. It put me to sleep;
not at all funny or interesting. (If you're considering producing a podcast, I suggest a little background music.) Here again, I ask for quality
control over the hordes of items being posted in this new mediascape.
I quite honestly don't have the time or desire to sort through
thousands of podcasts to find a gem.

As far as work applications go, I know a voiceover would help
students in online classes.

Applications for our campus...lectures, library interviews. I wish we would have recorded recent authors' visits. I need to update our library homepage for April's Poetry Month; think I'll add a podcast if I can find a good one.

Check out Stanford's EdCorner Podcast page if you get a chance.

P.S. iTunes is everywhere.

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